Releases: topheman/nextjs-movie-browser
Releases · topheman/nextjs-movie-browser
v2.0.0 (2019-03-24)
- *: enforce canonical url in production (also https) (66653a0a)
Documentation Changes
- README: add next steps (ab724e28)
New Features
- Footer: add to TwitterButton (f038e20b)
- Home: change text (0e083c49)
- TranslationPicker:
- a11y: correct navigation via keyboard (636f079a)
- CloseOnEscape: close Drawer and TranslationPicker on esc. key (2ba32bec)
Bug Fixes
- Error: fixed error layout (9cfafbcc)
Diff: v2.0.0-alpha.0...v2.0.0
v1.0.1 (2019-03-22)
Documentation Changes
- README: update travis badge for v1.x branch (6c8ac070)
- REAMDE: add infos about v1.x branch (13f66447)
Bug Fixes
- TextContent: prevent failure on null content (810efea5)
- Search: support mobile (click/tap on result) (7103d232)
- cypress: fixed e2e test (1608487a)
Diff: v1.0.0...v1.0.1
v2.0.0-alpha.0 (2019-03-21)
Mainly adding design using styled-components and setup Travis CI.
Documentation Changes
- REAMDE: add infos about v1.x branch (13f66447)
New Features
- cssInJs:
- Home:
- TwitterButton: setup TwitterButton (948e5e75)
- *:
- Drawer:
- Qrcode: setup Qrcode page (3423664d)
- HeaderTop: higher buttons for mobile (41fb883c)
- Filmography: add person filmography - both desktop and mobile (29a5dfad)
Bug Fixes
- TextContent: prevent failure on null content (b218e6e8)
- HeaderTop: re-align loader on small smartphones (fa2b468e)
- SiteNetworks: fix github url (8e876d23)
- Search: support mobile (click/tap on result) (f9169207)
- cypress: fixed e2e test (1608487a)
- *: cleanup console.logs (f0e42bcf)
- Sidebar: accept remainingProps (ca64e1bf)
- i18n: remove en/fr/about.json file (abc596c9)
Diff: v1.0.0...v2.0.0-alpha.0
First version with basic design.
All the the following features are already there:
- SEO / Social media car friendly
- i18n
- Multi-languag support
- SUpport for rtl (right to left) languages
- Others
- Code quality: type checking, linting, unit/e2e testing, git hooks ...
- automation / dev pipeline
- documentation