Draws flow charts with ascii characters. Similar to asciiflow.
Rectangular items can be drawn with ItemRectangle
from ascii_flow_chart import ItemRectangle
start = ItemRectangle(text = 'START:\n1)This is the first item.\n2)This is the second item.')
| |
| |
| START: |
| 1)This is the first item. |
| 2)This is the second item. |
| |
| |
Arguments can be passed to change the look of the item.
from ascii_flow_chart import ItemRectangle
text="""Keyword arquments:
x -- the length (default 10)
y -- the height (default 5)
padding_X -- default 3
padding -- default 1
character_X -- the character constructing the horizantal sides (default -)
character_Y -- the character constructing the vertical sides (default |)
character_Fill -- the character filling inside the item (default space)
character_Joint -- the character used at corners (default +)
text -- the text presented in the item"""
showArguments = ItemRectangle(text=text, character_Joint='.', character_Fill='.', character_X=' ', character_Y=' ')
. .
...Keyword arquments:...........................................................
...x -- the length (default 10 or wrap the text)................................
...y -- the height (default 5 or wrap the text).................................
...padding_X -- default 3.......................................................
...padding_Y -- default 1.......................................................
...character_X -- the character constructing the horizantal sides (default -)...
...character_Y -- the character constructing the vertical sides (default |).....
...character_Fill -- the character filling inside the item (default space)......
...character_Joint -- the character used at corners (default +).................
...text -- the text presented in the item.......................................
. .