Profile and user management
This project is a 2-in-1 project, with a complete Django REST Backend and a stand-alone Angular2 frontend. Ensure the server you are running on has all the required pip packages for the backend. And all installations for Angular2.
Create a virtual environment on each server your app will run on and install app specific libraries in the venv
Copy the source/settings/ to and modify
Create Virtualenv virtualenv venv (USES SERVER INSTALLED PACKAGES)
virtualenv —no-site-packages venv *use no site packages to prevent virtualenv from seeing your global packages
. venv/bin/activate *allows us to just use pip from command line by adding to the path rather then full path
Activate Virtualenv source venv/bin/activate workon venv OR (if using wrapper) mkvirtualenv venv1 workon venv
pip freeze > app_requirements.txt
- creates a app_requirements.txt file for future installs
Updating or installing on a new server pip install -r requirements.txt
Refer to ( for step by step guide on how to set up angular2 environment
cd into "FrontEnd" app
- install packages and other app dependancies - "npm install"
- start the server - "ng serve"