This is a template wallet app that provides access to any TokenD-based system. Read more about TokenD platform on
- Account creation & recovery
- Transfers
- Deposit & withdrawal
- Investments
- Trades
- Token explorer
- Security preferences management
- Limits view
- Fees view
- Polls
- Direct asset buy
- Simple general KYC
- Handling of account roles
- Quick connection to an environment by QR code
The app configuration is placed in app_config.gradle
file. There you can change application ID, version info, network params, colors, and features availability.
Besides the main configuration file there are also stage_app_config.gradle
for the staging build type and release_app_config.gradle
for the release one. There you can override particular properties from the main configuration.
You can also write a configuration for the debug build type into dev_app_config.gradle
file which is ignored by Git.
The configuration contains 5 fields that represent network params of a specific TokenD-based system:
, storage_url
, web_client_url
, terms_url
, kyc_url
and app_host
The app allows user to specify a TokenD-based system to work with by scanning a QR code with network params. In this case, network params from the configuration will be used and displayed by default.
To disable system switching you have to set network_specified_by_user
flag to false. With fixed network config you can also enable opening links from emails in the app by specifying system domain in app_host
field and uncommenting intent filters in manifest.
The application is ready for Firebase analytics and crashlytics integration.
To enable it you have to create Firebase project and put google-services.json
file (it is already gitignored)
into the app/
To enable or disable analytics use enable_analytics
flag. In the default configuration this flag is enabled for staging and release builds.
In order to change the application branding you have to update following resources:
– logo used on the splash screen and in the navigation headeric_launcher
– legacy application iconic_launcher_background
– parts of the adaptive icon displayed on Android 7.0 and higherapp_name
field instrings.xml
– displayed application name
There are integration tests for use cases in src/test/java/org/tokend/template/test
You can specify the environment to run tests on inside Config.kt
It is recommended to use local TokenD Developer edition for tests because they create a lot of users, assets, asset pairs, etc.
In order to connect the wallet to your TokenD Developer edition instance follow this guide.
⛏ Distributed Lab, 2022