a piece of ruby to take screenshots of responsive websites.
- takes screenshots for all urls defined in archiv.config
- takes screenshots for all devices defined in ./lib/archiv/options/devices.rb
- creates a mediocre styled report with the screenshots
- devices and viewports: config via archiv.config
- urls: config via a YAML file in the format metioned below. Where to find the YAML has to be provided in archiv.config
- folders: The paths of all necessary folders are configable via archiv.config
- compare_threshold: percent of pixel per image that have to be different so that a comparison fails
- score_threshold: score for comparisons
- name: "dw_com": a specific name for a website
- url: "https://www.dw.com": the url under test
- run: false: should this run be executed at all
- screenshot_all_pages: false: should the site be scrolled or is the first screenshot enough?
- before: a name for a script you want to run before the screenshot is taken (for more info see down below)
- sleep: int of seconds selenium should wait before it takes a screenshot (eg. nice for screenshotting lazy loading)
- you are able to have a selenium script executed before a screenshot is taken on a specific page. For that, the name of the ruby method has to be defined in the config for the urls with the key before. A folder selenium_scripts with a ruby file selenium_scripts.rb has to be present on root. In that ruby file define a method with the given name that takes driver as an argument.
Example: In ./selenium_scripts/selenium_scripts.rb
def click_on_teaser(driver)
xpath = '//*[@id="mitte_news"]//h1/'
teaser = driver.find_element(:xpath, xpath)
In the url config
before: "click_on_teaser"
basic run
command line options:
- Record a fixed state of a website for later comparison
-record / --rd
- Compare the archived screenshots to new ones
-compare / --c
- Let the script create reports for websites
-report / --rt
- Simulate the run
-simulate / --s
- Show available devices
-devices / --d
bundle install
Original author: Tobias Doll ([email protected])