- new feature: WebSerial as remote serial output (#74)
- new feature: configurable serial output pins
- replace deprecated arduinojson library function "containsKey"
- improvement: use serveStatic function with cache-control instead of custom handling
- new feature: Authorization/authentication on the web (#80)
- new feature: defining multiple requests for id-data (thanks to @Lazgar) (#89)
- new feature: add web-installer
- new feature: use ImprovWiFi, remove ESPWifiManager
- add donation button for paid extensions
- new feature: replace customOTA to custom ElegantOTA
- move config files from root to subfolder /config
- new feature: Backup/Restore of configfiles for OTA
Breaking changes
From release 0.7 onwards, an access point will no longer be opened during an initial installation. The WiFi access data must be entered via the web installer. This is used for both initial installation and entry of WiFi access data.
When updating version 0.6 to 0.7, a new installation must also be carried out because the WiFi handling has been switched to the ImprovWiFi Library.
If version 0.7 is already installed on the ESP device, an OTA update is sufficient. See “Update” button at ESP-webinterface
Detailed instructions can be found in the WiKi
Web-Installer: https://tobiasfaust.github.io/SolaxModbusGateway/