Sample usage:
// Declare struct to hold the converted collections
CollectionsPairVectors collection_pairs{};
// Pointer to edm4hep collection
edm4hep::ReconstructedParticleCollection* rp_collection;
// Converting a collection of Reconstructed Particles to LCIO
auto* lcio_converted_reconstructed_particle_ptr = convReconstructedParticles(
rp_collection, // input collection to be converted
collection_pairs.recoparticles, // vector holding converted and original collections
collection_pairs.tracks, // Tracks related to Reconstructed Particles to link them
collection_pairs.vertices, // Vertices related to Reconstructed Particles to link them
collection_pairs.clusters); // Clusters related to Reconstructed Particles to link them
// Some collections need the cellID string
edm4hep::SimTrackerHitCollection* sth_collection;
// Example from k4FWCore Data Handle
const auto collID = sth_collection->getID();
const auto cellIDstr = simtrackerhits_handle.getCollMetadataCellID(collID);
auto* lcio_converted_sim_tracker_hit_ptr = convSimTrackerHits(
// Run function to fix missing associations between collections.
// Some collections that need to be linked to other collections may be converted
// after these are linked. Running this function after all conversions guarantees correct links
// between collections.