Hi Rhian,
I hope i do not confusing you completely ==> a great SOOORRRY!!!!
yes please ...
here i invesigated further on and wrote additional test cases; I'm currently thinking/hoping that it has something to do with java script and numbers;
- 01_fixedsupplytokenORIGINAL.js
is the test-case where i first saw my problem and tagged the places with QUESTION-1 and QUESTION-2; the test is completely runnable in my environment;
then i thought it is a good idea to split the test in two
one using pure decimals (i mean the complete numbers) and use computed before-/after-amounts for assertions and not entering number-literals
and the other using the token.decimal value (i mean the amount==token*(10**token.decimal)) and use computed before-/after-amounts for assertions and not entering number-literals
this resulted in the tests
- 02_fixedsupplytokenUsingPureDecimals.js
- 03_fixedsupplytokenUsingToken.js
both of them are completely successfully
after that i thought: "ok 02/03 are runnable then i can mix them; all steps are computed and therefore i can mix at least the transfer-stuff"
here i came out with the successfully test
- 04_fixedsupplytokenMixedOK.js
this was also successfully
then i simply switched in
- 05_fixedsupplytokenMixedNOK.js
the sequence of transfers from token/decimal to decimal/token; this resulted in an error and therefore in my QUESTION-3
Contract: fixedSupplyTokenMixedNOK
it should transfer the correct number of tokens (using token.decimal computation):
Bob has incorrect balance
+ expected - actual
hope i have described it understandable (at least halfway);
As a learning from my side
- it makes sence to create decimal and token based tests
- never mix them