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YunoHost CLI



yunohost user list [-h] [--fields FIELDS [FIELDS ...]] [-o OFFSET]
                        [-f FILTER] [-l LIMIT]
yunohost user create [-h] [-u USERNAME] [-l LASTNAME] [-f FIRSTNAME]
                          [-p PASSWORD] [-m MAIL]
yunohost user delete [-h] [--purge] users [users ...]
yunohost user update [-h] [-f FIRSTNAME]
                          [--add-mailalias MAIL [MAIL ...]] [-m MAIL]
                          [-l LASTNAME]
                          [--remove-mailforward MAIL [MAIL ...]]
                          [--remove-mailalias MAIL [MAIL ...]]
                          [--add-mailforward MAIL [MAIL ...]]
                          [-p PASSWORD]
yunohost user info [-h] [-u USER] [-m MAIL]


yunohost domain list [-h] [-l LIMIT] [-o OFFSET] [-f FILTER]
yunohost domain add [-h] [domain [domain ...]]
yunohost domain remove [-h] [domain [domain ...]]
yunohost domain info [-h] domain
yunohost domain renewcert [-h] domain


yunohost app updatelist [-h] [-u URL]
yunohost app list [-h] [--fields FIELDS [FIELDS ...]] [-o OFFSET]
                       [-f FILTER] [-l LIMIT]
yunohost app install [-h] [-d DOMAIN] [--public] [-l LABEL] [-p PATH]
yunohost app remove [-h] app [app ...]
yunohost app upgrade [-h] [app [app ...]]
yunohost app info [-h] app
yunohost app addaccess [-h] [-u USER [USER ...]] app [app ...]
yunohost app removeaccess [-h] [-u USER [USER ...]] app [app ...]


yunohost firewall list [-h]
yunohost firewall allow [-h] {UDP,TCP,Both} port name
yunohost firewall disallow [-h] name


yunohost monitor disk [-h] [-m MOUNTPOINT] [-t] [-f] [-H]
yunohost monitor network [-h] [-u] [-i] [-H]
yunohost monitor system [-h] [-m] [-u] [-i] [-p] [-c] [-H]


yunohost service status [-h] [NAME [NAME ...]]
yunohost service start [-h] NAME [NAME ...]
yunohost service stop [-h] NAME [NAME ...]
yunohost service enable [-h] NAME [NAME ...]
yunohost service disable [-h] NAME [NAME ...]


yunohost tools postinstall [-h] [-d DOMAIN] [-p PASSWORD]
yunohost tools maindomain [-h] [-o OLD_DOMAIN] [-n NEW_DOMAIN]
yunohost tools adminpw [-h] [-o OLD_PASSWORD] [-n NEW_PASSWORD]
yunohost tools ldapinit [-h] [-d DOMAIN]

How to use "as is" ?

The executable file is yunohost, for example:

./yunohost user create

Contribute / FAQ

What a lovely idea ! :)

Dafuq is dat moulinette ?

We decided to regroup all YunoHost related operations into a single program called "moulinette". This will allow us to entirely manipulate our YunoHost instances through a wonderful CLI. Additionally the web interface will just have to call the same "moulinette" functions. Magic power inside :p

Important files

  • yunohost File executed on function calling - i.e ./yunohost user create.
  • action_map.yml Defines all CLI actions and links arguments.
  • Contains all YunoHost functions likely to be shared between moulinette files. Also contains service connections classes (erk).
  • yunohost_*.py Files containing action functions. * is the category: user, domain, firewall, etc.

How to add a function ?

  1. Check if the action is already in the action_map.yml file. If not, follow the file documentation to add it.
  2. Also check if the file is created in the working tree. If not, just create it (you may take example of file).
  3. Add your function category_action() in this file - i.e user_create()

Note: category_action() takes one parameter,args which contains the arguments passed to the command. Refers to action_map.yml documentation for more informations.

Error handling

Moulinette has a unified way to handle errors. First, you need to import the YunoHostError exception: from yunohost import YunoHostError

Then you need to raise errors like this: raise YunoHostError(<ERROR CODE>, <MESSAGE>)

For example: raise YunoHostError(125, _("Interrupted, user not created"))

Note: Standard error codes can be found in the YunoHostError class in file.

Print results

Moulinette also have a unified way to print results. In fact we don't only print result for the CLI, but we also have to export the result in a JSON way. Results are automatically printed OR exported, you don't have to print it yourself in the action's functions. Your function just need is to return results as a dictionary, for example: return { 'Fullname' : 'Homer Simpson', 'Mail' : '[email protected]', 'Username' : 'hsimpson' }


We will have to translate YunoHost, and we have already initialized i18n module in the moulinette. As a result, do not forget to put potentially translated strings into _() function. For example: raise YunoHostError(125, _("Interrupted, user not created"))

Git is pissing me off !

OK, this is the workflow !

For gitlab: Development is handle with git branches and you have your own (i.e dev_beudbeud).

git clone [email protected]:moulinette.git
git checkout -b dev_beudbeud ``
git rebase origin/dev

Do your modifications, then :

git commit -am 'My commit message'
git pull origin dev (merge manually if conflicts)
git push origin dev_beudbeud

Then you could ask for a 'merge request' in gitlab.

For github (here): Development is handle with forked repos and you have your own (i.e beudbeud/moulinette).

git clone ``
git checkout -b dev
git rebase origin/dev

Do your modifications, then:

git commit -am 'My commit message'
git remote add vanilla
git pull vanilla dev (merge manually if conflicts)
git push origin dev

Then you could ask for a 'pull request' in github.


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