make changes such that a glue deltalake table can be loaded
add deltalake support again
add badges to readme
infer schema from glue catalog info
add support for listing on s3 as well
add support for listing files in a folder (also on s3)
add support for aws s3 console url
leverage rust aws sdk to get credentials
leverage opendal instead of object_store features
remove unwantend print
change expected output
add missing region for test
(deps) update codecov/codecov-action action to v4 (#89 )
attempt to add codecoverage
attempt to trigger test run only once
only annotate tests results
do not group prs
specify versions
use nightly
attempt to capture test results and upload them
revert to datafusion 35 such that we can add the deltalake crate
move things around
(deps) update rust docker tag to v1.77 (#69 )
add test to verify that s3 console url works
improve the way we build expected output
more documentation on how aws s3 profiles work
changes for gcs introduction
add entry on s3 creds
add entry on s3 creds
trim expected output
added entry on releases
updated developer instructions
start/stop minio before/after tests
remove unused files
change to tokio 1 to have latest
You can’t perform that action at this time.