This repo provides an example of a multichain Solidity Deployment/Upgradability script pattern. It can also be applicable for non-upgradable contracts (remove UUPSProxy)
It uses CREATE2 to deploy Counter with UUPSProxy to multiple chains using a single Solidity script.
CREATE2 is used to preserve proxy addresses across multiple chains.
Likewise, it uses a single Solidity script to upgrade contracts on multiple chains.
Scripts are located at the script directory:
- BaseDeployer.s.sol: Provides a base to the deploymeny & upgradability scripts. It includes all chains with their respective RPC urls (from foundry.toml)
- Counter.s.sol: Counter deployment script
- CounterUpgrade.s.sol: Counter upgreade script
Minimal set of tests are located at the tests directory.
Before running anything, make sure your .env variables are set. You can use .env-example as a template
- Multichain CREATE2 deploymnent
- UUPS proxy setup and initialization
- Multichain upgrades through UUPS proxy (preserving proxy address)
- Upgradability tests
To build & run tests, run the following command
forge test -vvvv
- deployCounterTestnet(uint256 _counterSalt, uint256 _counterProxySalt)
forge script DeployCounter -s "deployCounterTestnet(uint256, uint256)" 5 6 --force --multi
- add --broadcast --verify to broadcast to network and verify contracts
- deployCounterSelectedChains(uint256 _counterSalt, uint256 _counterProxySalt, Chains[] calldata deployForks, Cycle cycle)
forge script DeployCounter -s "deployCounterSelectedChains(uint256, uint256, uint8[] calldata, uint8)" 154 155 "[3,4,5,6]" 1 --force --multi
- add --broadcast --verify to broadcast to network and verify contracts
- upgradeTestnet()
forge script UpgradeCounter -s "upgradeTestnet()" --force --multi
- add --broadcast --verify to broadcast to network and verify contracts
- upgradeSelectedChains(Chains[] calldata upgradeForks, Cycle cycle)
forge script UpgradeCounter -s "upgradeSelectedChains(uint8[] calldata, uint8)" "[3]" 1 --force --multi
- add --broadcast --verify to broadcast to network and verify contracts