Flexible, modern and easy to use library to creating minigames in minecraft.
Library works from 1.13.2 to 1.21.x.
Please report every bugs in issues section.
JavaDocs: https://timsixth.pl/javadocs/minigame_api/2.0.0/
Documentation: https://timsixths-plugins.gitbook.io/minigameapi-docs/
- Arena management system
- Game management system
- Game cosmetics system
- Teams in-game
- Advanced loading system from YAML files
- Game statistics system
- Coins system
- Simple minigame configuration
- Simple saving, deleting and updating system (You don't have to write a query to a database or use YAML spigot API to execute these actions)
- Modules system (You can install modules, which are add more functionality)
- Rejoin feature
- Advanced loading system from SQL databases (MySQL or SQLite)
- Integration with T-DataBasesAPI (Thanks to this plugin management of SQL databases is really simple)
- Commands API (You can create parent commands and subcommands in separate classes)
- MongoDb support
{VERSION} - current version form GitHub releases section:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.timsixth.MinigameAPI:api:{VERSION}'
Other modules (Maven)
<!-- includes all modules-->
<!-- library-lite module includes only api and runnable plugin-->
<!-- example-minigame module includes example usage of minigame-->
Other modules (Gradle)
dependencies {
//includes all modules
implementation 'com.github.timsixth:MinigameAPI:{VERSION}'
//includes only library, api, and addons-api modules
implementation 'com.github.timsixth.MinigameAPI:library:{VERSION}'
//includes example-minigame module
implementation 'com.github.timsixth.MinigameAPI:example-minigame:{VERSION}'