Students Enroller (Hash Table Version) is a C++ program that allows the user to add students, remove students, or print students' information using a Finite Set data structure (represented as a Hash Table using closed hashing). This program is made-from-scratch and does not utilize the C++ Standard Template Library (STL).
- Compile: g++ *.cpp
- Run Program: ./a.out
- add <first-name> <last-name> <student-id> <classification> <major>: Adds a student to the Finite Set.
- Examples:
set> add James Bond 7 Sophomore Dance set> add Bugs Bunny 3229 Junior Business set> add Donald Duck 230 Junior ComputerScience
- Examples:
- remove <student-id>: Removes a student from the Finite Set. Returns true if that student has been removed. Returns false if that student does not exist.
- Examples:
set> remove 123 false set> remove 7 true
- Examples:
- print: Prints all students' information in the order they appear in the Finite Set (Hash Table).
- Notes:
- When a student is found in a Hash Table bucket, the output printed is in the following tuple notation: (firstname,lastname,student-id,classification,major)
- When there is no student in a Hash Table bucket, the output printed is (NULL)
- When a student was previously deleted from a Hash Table bucket, the output printed is (DEL)
- The print command takes no arguments.
- Example:
set> print (Donald,Duck,230,Junior,ComputerScience)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(DEL)(NULL)(Bugs,Bunny,3229,Junior,Business)
- Notes:
- quit: Exits the program.
- C++
- Linux
- WinSCP
- Finite Set
- Hash Table (using closed hashing)
- Hash Table size: B = 10
- Hash Functions:
- h(x) = x mod B
- hi(x) = (h(x) + i^2) mod B
- This program should be compiled and executed in a Linux Operating System environment.
- This program has been tested extensively, without error, through the University of North Texas's Praktomat testing system.