Added new function dh.createTableOne to create tables of descriptive statistics that can be used in manuscripts.
Added new function dh.makeExcludedDf to create df of excluded participants, useful in describing missingness.
Added new function dh.metaSepModels which meta-analyses models performed separately by cohort.
Added new function dh.multGlm which loops over ds.glmSLMA and saves error output in helpful way.
Added new function dh.zScoreByGroup which calculates z scores in repeated measures data by a grouping variable.
In dh.lmTab now also return pvalue for slma option
in dh.lmeMultPoly now label the returned models
in dh.makeAgePolys now include missing conns argument for cbind function call
in dh.meanByGroup now return additional descriptives
In dh.predictLmer now add option whether or not to include intercept in newdata
Bug fixes
in dh.castCols now imports 'tail'
in dh.defineCases fixes typo in ifelse statements
in dh.dropCols now defaults new_obj
to original df
in dh.getStats, fix an error whereby the returned cohort n was incorrect
in dh.makeLmerForm fixed error in argument default
in dh.makeAgePolys now remove temporary objects
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