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Protocol of making a local working copy

peervalhoegen edited this page Jun 16, 2013 · 2 revisions

I had much trouble making this project work on my pc, so here is how I finally got it to work. This is no guideline or anything. It is a mere protocol of the steps that worked for me. If it helps you you're welcome.

  1. Fork and proceed as described on

  2. Download the ADT bundle from here

  3. open it, set your local clone "../SudoQ" as Workspace

  4. import projects as general projects into workspace, and get some errors.

    • right-click on{sudoq|test}-app -> properties -> Java compiler -> enable -> set "compiler compliance level" to 1.6
  5. create a folder "assets" in sudoq-app, import the "sudokus"-folder from filesystem in assets.

  6. make a directory test-app/libs and put the requested robotium libraries inside, or tell eclipse where they are on your system. (we cant host them any longer on github)

  7. Get NoClassDefFoundError.

    • go to sudoq-app's buildpath -> "Order and Export" -> move 'gen' over 'src'
    • check "Android 2.2" and "Android Dependencies"
    • set compliance mode of sudoq-model on 1.6 as well (don't know whether the 2 above had actual influence)
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