To install VA plugin from a ZIP file using the Moodle administration page, follow these steps:
Step 1. Download the VA plugin source code to your current directory.
Step 2. Install plugin
- Log in to your Moodle administrator account and navigate to the Moodle administration panel.
- Click on the "Plugins" section and select "Plugin Overview."
- At the top of the Plugin Overview page, click on "Install plugin."
- Choose the option "Upload a plugin ZIP file" from the file picker menu.
- Click on "Choose a file" and select the created ZIP file containing the VA plugin code.
- Click on "Upload plugin" to upload the ZIP file to Moodle.
Moodle will start the process of uploading and installing the plugin. Once completed, a confirmation page with the plugin information will be displayed.
- Click on "Complete the plugin installation" to finalize the installation.
- Access your Moodle site and verify if the plugin appears in the plugin overview.
If the plugin does not appear after installation, double-check that the ZIP file is correct and the plugin installation was completed successfully. It might be necessary to perform additional configuration steps to fully activate the plugin.
Step 3. Enable VA plugin
- Navigate to the course where you want to add the block plugin.
- Ensure that editing mode is enabled. If the editing mode is not enabled, click on the "Edit mode" button usually located at the top right corner of the course page.
- Scroll down to the bottom right section of the course page where you will find the "Add a block" panel.
- In the "Add a block" panel, you will see a list of available block plugins that can be added to the course. Look for the block plugin 'Virtual assistant' and click on its name to select it.
- Once you click on the plugin's name, it will be added to the course page in a designated block area. The specific block area may vary depending on your Moodle theme and course layout.
- After you have added and configured the block plugin, remember to disable editing mode, click on the "Edit mode" button usually located at the top right corner of the course page.
The block plugin should now be visible and functional within the course.
Latvijas Universitāte, sadarbojoties ar Latvijas Biozinātņu un tehnoloģiju universitāti, Vidzemes augstskolu, Biznesa, mākslas un tehnoloģiju augstskolu RISEBA, Transporta un sakaru institūtu un trim nozares partneriem – Tilde, Baltijas datoru akadēmija un Datorzinību centrs, īsteno projektu “Digitalizācijas iniciatīvas studējošo iesaistei un studiju kvalitātes pilnveidei Latvijas Universitātē un projekta sadarbības partneru augstskolās” (Nr., kura mērķis ir sagatavot digitālos studiju kursu materiālus, lai veicinātu studentu digitālo prasmju attīstību.
Projektu līdzfinansē REACT-EU finansējums pandēmijas krīzes seku mazināšanai.