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TianoCore Documents Required Tools

Kevin Shaw edited this page Nov 13, 2017 · 10 revisions

Required Tools

Optional Tools

Installing Tools for Windows systems

  1. Configure proxies

  2. Install GIT

    NOTE: Sometimes GIT needs to be configured to use https:// paths instead of git:// paths. If any of the NPM installation steps fail, then try updating the GIT global configuration using the following command:

    git config --global --add url.https://.insteadof git://
  3. Install latest version of Calibre

  4. Install and Initialize NPM (LTS version)

    Note: NPM may have to also be configured for a proxy. Replace the path in the following commands with the required proxy settings.

    npm config set proxy
    npm config set https-proxy
  5. Open a command prompt and install gitbook-cli

    npm install -g gitbook-cli

Installing Optional Tools for Windows systems

  1. Install Pandoc

  2. Open a command prompt and install gitbook-convert

    npm install -g gitbook-convert
  3. Install GitBook Editor from

Installing Tools for UNIX-Like systems

  1. Configure proxies

  2. Install GIT

    sudo dnf -y install git

  3. Install latest version of calibre-ebook

    • Download from
    • Run following command with /path/to/downloaded/calibre-tarball.txz replaced with path to downloaded file.
      sudo mkdir -p /opt/calibre && sudo rm -rf /opt/calibre/* && sudo tar xvf /path/to/downloaded/calibre-tarball.txz -C 
      /opt/calibre && sudo /opt/calibre/calibre_postinstall	
  4. Install and Initialize NPM

    sudo dnf -y install npm
    cd ~
    npm init -y
  5. Install gitbook-cli

    npm install gitbook-cli

Installing Optional Tools for UNIX-Like systems

  1. Install Pandoc

    sudo dnf -y install pandoc
  2. Install gitbook-convert

    npm install gitbook-convert
  3. Install GitBook Editor from

Verify Tool Installation

  1. Run the following commands to clone the EDK II Template Specification to a local directory and build this specification to MOBI, EPUB, PDF, and HTML formats.

    mkdir tianocore-docs
    cd tianocore-docs
    git clone
    cd edk2-TemplateSpecification
    gitbook install
    gitbook mobi
    gitbook epub
    gitbook pdf
    gitbook serve

    Note: The gitbook install command must be run for each document repository that is cloned before any of the publish commands can be used. This command installs gitbook plugins that a document requires.

  2. Use a web browser to view HTML version at http://localhost:4000

  3. Use a web browser open the following files in the path ~/tianocore-docs/edk2-TemplateSpecification

    • book.epub
    • book.pdf

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