This is a project ready for launch: developing nodejs in the backend {{express}} and for the frontend {{react}}. It is based on Ironlauncher and
How to Install
1 - Clone the repo;
2 - Inside the full-stack-launcher folder run command "npm run firstInstall";
3 - Now you can just do "npm run dev" and both the backend and the frontend with "React" will run concurrently.
4 - You can test on your browser both http://localhost:5000/ for the backend and http://localhost:3000 for the frontend.
4 (optional) - If you want to check if the backend is communicating with the database and frontend just run "node backend/seeds/user.seed.js" and you will see random users has been filled on your http://localhost:3000/users route.
Enjoy and don't be shy to raise an issue
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