I initially planned to pursue Natural Language Processing but somehow switched to Web Dev in the end. Hence, I halted learning Python and started doing research on Front End's learning path. This phase actually lasted for nearly a month due to me either chasing rabbits or trying different courses/materials before settling down on freeCodeCamp, Codeacademy and Colt Steele's course, and Google LOL.
Can't forget to mention my idol Andrei Neagoie (Colt Steele is still King, and Andrei is Prince if you know what I mean): https://zerotomastery.io/blog/learn-to-code-in-2020-get-hired-and-have-fun-along-the-way
For resources, I found these curated list by Krishna Kakade extremely useful:
Current level: Basic HTML/CSS and JavaScript, plus knowledge of Python's syntax
Project 1: Local clock (Google Chrome's extension) which displays local time on default tabs and changes pictures accordingly.
Spent 3 hours reading Bootstrap 4 Documentation and learning it on Codeacademy
Spent 3 hours coding along this tutorial to practice using HTML/CSS and Bootstrap 4
Project 2 IELTS website
Helped a friend with article translation so didn't have much time for coding. Learnt Git and GitHub.
Markdown cheatsheet: https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet
Debugged the website from Day 2. Still haven't figured out how to remove the white spaces between divs. I guess I'll get back to it later.
Bought Complete Web development Bootcamp by Angela Yu whom I cannot reccommend highly enought. I'm a visual learner so in love with her teaching materials. Finished Project 3: Dice challenge, as a practice to DoM.
Learned Advanced JS and DOM