Field that stores a color value as 32bit integer reflecting a RGBA value. Many options for Input (HTML5 Inputfield Color, Textfield with changing background, various jQuery/JS ColorPickers, custom jQuery/JS/CSS) and Output (RGB, RGBA, HSL, HSLA, HEX, Array).
Select between 5 types of Inputfields
- Html5 Inputfield of type='color' (if supported by browser)
- Inputfield type='text' expecting a 24bit hexcode string (RGB). Input format: '#4496dd'
The background color of the input fields shows selected color - Inputfield of type='text' expecting 32bit hexcode strings (RGB + alpha channel) Input format: '#fa4496dd'
- Inputfield with Spectrum Color Picker (JavaScript)
Options modifiable - Inputfield type='text' with custom JavaScript and/or CSS
Define output format under Details - Tab in field settings. Select from the following options:
- string 6-digit hex color. Example: '#4496dd'
- string 8-digit hex color with leading Alpha channel (limited browser support). Example: '#fa4496dd'
- string CSS color value RGB. Example: 'rgb(68, 100, 221)'
- string CSS color value RGBA. Example: 'rgba(68, 100, 221, 0.98)'
- string CSS color value HSL. Example: 'hsl(227, 69.2%, 56.7%)'
- string CSS color value HSLA. Example: 'hsla(227, 69.2%, 56.7%, 0.98)'
- string 32bit raw hex value. Example: 'fa4496dd' (unformatted output value)
- int 32bit. Example: '4198799069' (storage value)
- array()
[0] => 0-255, // opacity
[1],['r'] => 0-255,
[2],['g'] => 0-255,
[3],['b'] => 0-255,
['rx'] => 00-ff,
['gx'] => 00-ff,
['bx'] => 00-ff,
['ox'] => 00-ff, // opacity
['o'] => 0-1 // opacity
You can always modify values or output format via ProcessWire API.
Modify output format
$f = $page->fields->get('myColorField');
$f->outputFormat = 8;
echo $page->color['rx'];
Modify values
- Delete the page field value by setting empty string or NULL.
- The values (int) 0, (string) '0', '00000000' and '#00000000' are similar and stored as (int) 0 (black, full transparent).
$page->myColorField = 'ff0000'; // red
Deleting values is only possible with inputfields of type='text' and via API.
If a default value is set, the field is filled with it if the field is empty (for example on newly created pages).
If Inputfield of type='text' 32bit is selected you can set the value to '#00000000' and the default value will be ignored.
The Fieldtype includes Spectrum Color Picker by Brian Grinstead
Any custom Javascript based Inputfield can be used.