You might have heard of the “Bias vs. Variance tradeoff.” Of the changes you could make to most learning algorithms, there are some that reduce bias errors but at the cost of increasing variance, and vice versa. This creates a “trade off” between bias and variance. ->
For example, increasing the size of your model—adding neurons/layers in a neural network, or adding input features—generally reduces bias but could increase variance. Alternatively, adding regularization generally increases bias but reduces variance. ->
In the modern era, we often have access to plentiful data and can use very large neural networks (deep learning). Therefore, there is less of a tradeoff, and there are now more options for reducing bias without hurting variance, and vice versa. ->
For example, you can usually increase a neural network size and tune the regularization method to reduce bias without noticeably increasing variance. By adding training data, you can also usually reduce variance without affecting bias. ->
If you select a model architecture that is well suited for your task, you might also reduce bias and variance simultaneously. Selecting such an architecture can be difficult. ->
In the next few chapters, we discuss additional specific techniques for addressing bias and variance. ->