Goal was to create a RateYourMusic clone, slightly less complicated
To run the project locally, follow the next steps :
- make sure you have wamp server or XAMPP installed
- Download composer https://getcomposer.org/download/
- Create a database locally named
utf8_general_ci - Pull the project from git provider.
- Rename
file to.env
inside your project root and fill the database information. (windows wont let you do it, so you have to open your console cd your project root directory and run mv .env.example .env ) - create an account on mailtrap and fill the mailtrap informations on the
file, use this video for help : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIoKD8HF5rU&t=1s - Open the console and cd your project root directory
- Run
composer install
- Run
php artisan key:generate
- Run
php artisan migrate
to create the database tables and relationships - Run
php artisan db:seed
to run the seeders, this will create the admin acoount and few dummy albums/user that you can delete later - the credentials for the admin account : Email :
[email protected]
/ Password :123456
- Run
php artisan serve
- Open
on your browser, you can login as an admin and consult the other generated users and their emails in the dashboard - all the generated users have
as their password
if for some reason the project stops working do these
composer install
php artisan migrate
- Styling views with Tailwind
- Authentification system
- CRUD fonctionality for User module
- CRUD fonctionality for Album module
- Add album to favourites feature using Livewire
- User roles: Admin, Writer, User are functional
- User Email Confirmation Required
- Functional Admin User Dashboard
- Guaranteed admin to Block/Unblock or Delete User
- Added User Profile
- Added Tracklist
- easy access to edit albums for admin/writer
- Added user comments/review
- User can Edit / Delete his Review
- Guaranteed admin to delete any reviews
- cropping pictures using ijaboCropTool plug
- Created a user profile page
- Implemented a star rating system using rateyo library
- Improved admin dashboard
- Functional Admin Inbox
- Albums submitted by writers need to be approved by the admin
- User can share albums to Twitter
- Improved Styling massively using Tailwind
-> few screenshots of the web application :