using csound and bash to create a bunch of sine waves from a .txt score list
There are three parts to this:
- the CSound .csd file -- responsible for generating the sinewaves (of course, this could do anything)
- the bash script , we use to run csound from command and parse the info from the...
- score.txt -- a simple list of the sines:
freq1 duration (freq2)
edit this yourself
The score is very simple. Where only two arguments are given, the sine is static, where three are given, the sine takes a linear segment towards it's target e.g.
440 10
a sine wave of 440Hz for 10 seconds
660 10 880
a sine from 660Hz to 880Hz over 10 seconds
add as many lines(sines) as you need to the score
from Terminal, execute the shell script with ./
you may need to make the file executable with chmod +x
in the bash, I've got a sox command to also generate spectrograms of each wave, mainly for checking glissandi trajectories.