TF KYC Service is a Go-based service that provides Know Your Customer (KYC) functionality for the TF Grid. It integrates with iDenfy for identity verification.
- Identity verification using iDenfy
- Blockchain integration with TFChain (Substrate-based)
- MongoDB for data persistence
- RESTful API endpoints for KYC operations
- Swagger documentation
- Containerized deployment
- Go 1.22+
- MongoDB 4.4+
- Docker and Docker Compose (for containerized deployment)
- iDenfy API credentials
Clone the repository:
git clone cd tf-kyc-verifier
Set up your environment variables:
cp .app.env.example .app.env cp .db.env.example .db.env
Edit .app.env
and .db.env
with your specific configuration details.
The application uses environment variables for configuration. Here's a list of all available configuration options:
: MongoDB connection URI (default: "mongodb://localhost:27017")DATABASE_NAME
: Name of the MongoDB database (default: "tf-kyc-db")
: Port on which the server will run (default: "8080")
: API key for iDenfy service (required) (note: make sure to use correct iDenfy API key for the environment dev, test, and production) (iDenfy dev -> TFChain Devnet, iDenfy test -> TFChain QAnet, iDenfy prod -> TFChain Testnet and Mainnet)IDENFY_API_SECRET
: API secret for iDenfy service (required)IDENFY_BASE_URL
: Base URL for iDenfy API (default: "")IDENFY_CALLBACK_SIGN_KEY
: Callback signing key for iDenfy webhooks (required) (note: should match the signing key in iDenfy dashboard for the related environment and should be at least 32 characters long)IDENFY_WHITELISTED_IPS
: Comma-separated list of whitelisted IPs for iDenfy callbacksIDENFY_DEV_MODE
: Enable development mode for iDenfy integration (default: false) (note: works only in iDenfy dev environment, enabling it in test or production environment will cause iDenfy to reject the requests)IDENFY_CALLBACK_URL
: URL for iDenfy verification update callbacks. (example:https://{KYC-SERVICE-DOMAIN}/webhooks/idenfy/verification-update
: Namespace for isolating diffrent TF KYC verifier services data in same iDenfy backend (default: "") (note: if you are using the same iDenfy backend for multiple services on same tfchain network, you can set this to the unique identifier of the service to isolate the data. don't touch unless you know what you are doing)
: WebSocket provider URL for TFChain (default: "wss://")
: Outcome for suspicious verifications (default: "APPROVED")VERIFICATION_EXPIRED_DOCUMENT_OUTCOME
: Outcome for expired documents (default: "REJECTED")VERIFICATION_MIN_BALANCE_TO_VERIFY_ACCOUNT
: Minimum balance in unitTFT required to verify an account (default: 10000000)VERIFICATION_ALWAYS_VERIFIED_IDS
: Comma-separated list of TFChain SS58Addresses that are always verified (default: "")VERIFICATION_ALWAYS_VERIFIED_IDS
: When the AlwaysVerifiedIDsOnly is true, the creation of KYC tokens is disabled on this network (default: false)
: Maximum number of token requests per IP (default: 4)IP_LIMITER_TOKEN_EXPIRATION
: Token expiration time in minutes (default: 1440)
: Maximum number of token requests per ID (default: 4)ID_LIMITER_TOKEN_EXPIRATION
: Token expiration time in minutes (default: 1440)
: Time window in seconds for challenge validation (default: 8)CHALLENGE_DOMAIN
: Current service domain name for challenge validation (required) (
: Enable debug logging (default: false)
To configure these options, you can either set them as environment variables or include them in your .env
Regarding the iDenfy signing key, it's best to use key composed of alphanumeric characters to avoid such issues. You can generate a random key using the following command:
cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 32 | head -n 1
Refer to internal/configs/config.go
for the implementation details of these configuration options.
First make sure to create and set the environment variables in the .app.env
, .db.env
Examples can be found in .app.env.example
, .db.env.example
In beta releases, we include the mongo-express container, but you can opt to disable it.
To start only the core services (API and MongoDB) using Docker Compose:
docker compose up -d
To include mongo-express for development, make sure to create and set the environment variables in the .express.env
file as well, then run:
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up -d
To start only mongo-express if core services are already running, run:
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up -d mongo-express
To run the application locally:
Ensure MongoDB is running and accessible.
export the environment variables:
set -a source .app.env set +a
Run the application:
go run cmd/api/main.go
POST /api/v1/token
- Get or create a verification token
- Required Headers:
: TFChain SS58Address (48 chars)X-Challenge
: Hex-encoded message{api-domain}:{timestamp}
: Hex-encoded sr25519|ed25519 signature (128 chars)
- Responses:
: Existing token retrieved201
: New token created400
: Bad request401
: Unauthorized402
: Payment required403
: Forbidden409
: Conflict
GET /api/v1/data
- Get verification data for a client
- Required Headers:
: TFChain SS58Address (48 chars)X-Challenge
: Hex-encoded message{api-domain}:{timestamp}
: Hex-encoded sr25519|ed25519 signature (128 chars)
- Responses:
: Success400
: Bad request401
: Unauthorized404
: Not found
GET /api/v1/status
- Get verification status
- Query Parameters (at least one required):
: TFChain SS58Address (48 chars)twin_id
: Twin ID
- Responses:
: Success400
: Bad request404
: Not found
POST /webhooks/idenfy/verification-update
- Process verification update from iDenfy
- Required Headers:
: Verification signature
- Responses:
: Success400
: Bad request
POST /webhooks/idenfy/id-expiration
- Process document expiration notification (Not implemented)
- Responses:
: Not implemented
GET /api/v1/health
- Check service health status
- Responses:
: Returns health statushealthy
: All systems operationaldegraded
: Some systems experiencing issues
GET /api/v1/version
- Get application version
- Responses:
: Returns application versionversion
: Application version
GET /api/v1/configs
- Get application configurations
- Responses:
: Returns application configurations
GET /docs
- Swagger documentation interface
- Provides interactive API documentation and testing interface
Refer to the Swagger documentation at /docs
endpoint for detailed information about request/response formats and examples.
Swagger documentation is available. To view it, run the application and navigate to the /docs
endpoint in your browser.
: Application entrypointsapi/
: Main API server
: Internal packagesclients/
: External service clientsconfigs/
: Configuration handlingerrors/
: Custom error typeshandlers/
: HTTP request handlerslogger/
: Logging configurationmiddlewares/
: HTTP middlewaresmodels/
: Data modelsrepositories/
: Data access layerresponses/
: API response structuresserver/
: Server setup and routingservices/
: Business logic
: API documentationdocs/
: Swagger documentation files
: GitHub specific filesworkflows/
: GitHub Actions workflows
: Utility and Development scripts -
: Documentation -
Configuration files:
: Example application environment variables.db.env.example
: Example database environment variablesDockerfile
: Container build instructionsdocker-compose.yml
: Multi-container Docker setupgo.mod
: Go module definitiongo.sum
: Go module checksums
To run the test suite:
TODO: Add tests
To build the Docker image:
docker build -t tf_kyc_verifier .
To run the Docker container and use .env variables:
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --env-file .app.env tf_kyc_verifier
Most of the normal tools will work, although their usage might be a little convoluted in some cases to ensure they have access to the mongod server. A simple way to ensure this is to use docker exec and run the tool from the same container, similar to the following:
# Install Environment file
source .db.env
docker exec tf_kyc_db mongodump --username $MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME --password $MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD --authenticationDatabase admin --db tfgrid-kyc-db --archive=mongo.kyc.archive.dump
docker cp tf_kyc_db:/mongo.kyc.archive.dump mongo.kyc.archive.dump
To restore the previously created backup, you can use a similar script as follows:
# Install Environment file
source .db.env
docker cp mongo.kyc.archive.dump tf_kyc_db:/mongo.kyc.archive.dump
docker exec tf_kyc_db mongorestore --username $MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME --password $MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD --authenticationDatabase admin --nsInclude='tfgrid-kyc-db.*' --archive=mongo.kyc.archive.dump
Refer to the Production Setup documentation for production setup details.
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. See the LICENSE
file for more details.