This is a PHP library which helps you build query for an ElasticSearch client by using a fluent interface.
WARNING: This branch contains the next 3.x release. Check the corresponding issue for the roadmap.
composer require erichard/elasticsearch-query-builder "^3.0@beta"
use Erichard\ElasticQueryBuilder\QueryBuilder;
use Erichard\ElasticQueryBuilder\Aggregation\Aggregation;
use Erichard\ElasticQueryBuilder\Filter\Filter;
$query = new QueryBuilder();
// Add an aggregation
$query->addAggregation(Aggregation::terms('agg_name', 'my_field'));
// Add a filter
$boolFilter = Filter::bool();
$boolFilter->addFilter(Filter::terms('field', 'value'));
// I am using a client from elasticsearch/elasticsearch here
$results = $client->search($query->build());
with PHP 8.1 you can use named arguments like this:
$query = new BoolQuery(must: [
new RangeQuery(
field: 'price',
gte: 100
new RangeQuery(
field: 'stock',
gte: 10
or with the factory
$query = Query::bool(must: [
field: 'price',
gte: 100
field: 'stock',
gte: 10
- Use PHPCS fixer and PHPStan
composer lint
- Update tests (PHPUnit)
composer test