Buy Low Sell High is a prodominatly front end application built using React and Node.js. The user of the website is greeted to a landing page that features a carousel of stocks alongside a chart of their price information for the last 4 months. Likewise there is a search bar that allows the user to search for a specific symbol that may be present on the site.
When a stock is clicked on anywhere on the site, the user will be redirected to an individual page with more detailed information about the stock, such as the open, close, high, and low price point for a given day in the last 4 months.
The site features two other sub-pages (stocks to buy and stocks to sell) that list all the stocks that are currently above or below a %15 change from their 4 month average price.
Currently, Buy low sell high is not being hosted due to limitations with the API at my current subscription level.
- Javascript
- MarketStack API
- Chart.js
- Node.js
- React
- Express.js
- Redux Toolkit
- Sort through a large number of stocks, and display their information nicely using chart.js
- Added the ability to view more detailed inforation about each symbol
- Added a search bar to lookup stock symbols
- Make changes in order to host the website live, as well as add more stocks to the site.