Developement branch for the EuroMoMo hackathon
If you just want to install the file, use
library("devtools") # make sure you have this package installed first
- Install the package
- Create defaults.txt using this as an example. Most important bits are
- Nomenclature (Country, Counties, Institution). These will affect the outputs
- WorkDirectory: The outputs will be created in subdirectories of this directory. It may be advisable to use absolute path. If ".", the directory where R is run is used.
- InputFile: The mortality data with variable DoD, DoR and age as well as whatever you may want to include. First line must have the variable names. Use ";" as separator. Date format must be "YYYY-MM-DD". Use either full path or path relatively to directory where R is run.
- HolidayFile: The bank holidays file similar to InputFile with variables date and closed, latter being 1 if full bank holiday.
- Create master momo file using this as an example and run. Usually only thing you need to change is the path to "defaults.txt" in parseDefaultsFile("defaults.txt").
- Send the outputs to