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It is an e commerce application for buying salon based products. User can register as a salon or as a buyer according to which, the deals will be shown to him. After selecting the product, go to the cart page to show the summary of the items which the user has selected for buying. After that user can make payments using UPI, or any other online payment services.

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What’s In This Document

🚀 Get Up and Running in 5 Minutes

You can get the Salon Hub App up and running on your local dev environment in 5 minutes with these four steps:

  1. Install the Flutter SDK & Android Studio. Instructions.

  2. Open Terminal & navigate to the root directory of the project.

    cd salon-hub
  3. Run and launch the build on preferred device.

    flutter run
  4. Open the source code and start editing!

    Your app is now running on your physical device or emulator. Open the lib directory in Android Studio itself and edit *.dart files. Hot Reload your changes, and the app will update in real time!

At this point, you’ve got the fully functional Salon Hub App running (without the secret keys). For additional information on how you can customize your Flutter Apps, see Google Codelabs and HackerNoon Guide.

🗳️ Flutter / Dart Packages Used

Package Name Package Version Package URL
firebase_core latest Open on
firebase_auth latest Open on
cloud_firestore latest Open on
google_fonts latest Open on
http latest Open on
connectivity_plus latest Open on
flutter_staggered_grid_view latest Open on
razorpay_flutter latest Open on
sliding_up_panel latest Open on
in_app_update latest Open on

💙 Thanks

Thanks to all contributors for supporting the project.


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