This project is a demo app used for Kubernetes and Docker Swarm deployment examples.
There isn't any Swarm or Kubernetes manifest in this repository, you'll need to create them. This project require Postgres, and Minio. You'll need to create deployments for those dependencies too. In the Helpful informations
section, you will find docker commands to start Postgres, nats and Minio.
To build the frontend you first need to edit the
file. Then you can build the project by running yarn build
Environment variables (at build time):
- VUE_APP_JOB_API: The Jobs-API url
- VUE_APP_IMAGES_API: The Images-API url
Docker image: alexandrevilain/image-resizer-frontend
This image needs to be rebuild with working env variables
The jobs-API is a REST API providing image upload endpoint to create a resize job.
When you send an image on /upload
its uploaded to minio and a job is sent to
Environment variables:
- API_PORT: The port to listen
- STORAGE_BUCKETNAME: The bucket's name to use and to create in minio
- STORAGE_SERVER: The minio's access url
- STORAGE_PORT: The minio's access port
- STORAGE_ACCESSKEY: The minio's access key
- STORAGE_SECRETKEY: The minio's secret key
- STORAGE_SSL: Define if minio is using SSL
- NATS_QUEUE: The name of the queue
Docker image: alexandrevilain/image-resizer-jobs-api
The worker gets resize jobs from, resize the image, saves it to minio and store metadata on postgres.
Environment variables:
- NATS_SERVERS: The connection stringS to connect to
- NATS_QUEUE: The name of the queue
- POSTGRES_CONNECTION_STRING: Postgres connection url
- STORAGE_SERVER: The minio's access url (with port)
- STORAGE_PUBLIC_ENDPOINT: The minio's public url (For k8s, this is the ingress). Don't put the scheme at the beginning. It uses the STORAGE_SSL env var to know if it's https or http.
- STORAGE_BUCKETNAME: The bucket's name to use and to create in minio
- STORAGE_ACCESSKEY: The minio's access key
- STORAGE_SECRETKEY: The minio's secret key
- STORAGE_SSL: Define if minio is using SSL
Docker image: alexandrevilain/image-resizer-worker
The image-API is using PostgREST. It returns all resized images from PostgreSQL. The config file is in its dedicated folder.
To start Postgres using docker:
docker run --name images \
-e POSTGRES_USER=supinfo \
-e POSTGRES_DB=images \
-v $(pwd)/tables.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/tables.sql \
-p 5432:5432 \
-d postgres
To start using docker:
docker run --name gnatsd \
-p 4222:4222 \
-p 8222:8222 \
-p 6222:6222 \
-d nats:latest
To start minio using docker:
docker run --name minio \
-e MINIO_ACCESS_KEY=supinfo \
-e MINIO_SECRET_KEY=supinfo1234 \
-p 9000:9000 \
-v /tmp/minio:/data \
-d minio/minio server /data
To start image-api using docker:
docker run --rm --link images:db -p 3000:3000 \
-e PGRST_DB_URI="postgres://supinfo:supinfo@db:5432/images" \
-e PGRST_DB_ANON_ROLE="web_anon" \
-e PGRST_DB_SCHEMA="api" \
-d postgrest/postgrest
Or you can use the file images-api/postgrest.conf