The SOF developers are pleased to announce the release of SOF v2.1.
Release notes WIP
- New Platforms TBD *
- New Processing TBD *
- More Performance improvements in copy functions for most components with deprecation of the frag API. Some processing code paths improved by up to 18MCPS with the same audio quality.
- Stability improvements on multi-core support on Intel cAVS platforms which can now support running dynamic pipelines on any DSP core.
- Zephyr RTOS is now used instead of XTOS for community release for the APL and i.MX8 platforms.
- Initial support for Windows media player on certain TGL Windows-based devices via the IPC4 protocol.
TBC Recommended Linux recipe
- Linux stable kernel 5.15 or newer, or SOF Linux kernel branch release/sof-2.0, commit beba60983395
- Minimum requirement is 5.8 (kernel must support the firmware binary extended manifest header)
- alsa-lib 1.2.5 or newer
- alsa-ucm-conf 1.2.5 or newer
(Binaries pending) Firmware, topology, and tool binaries are available here: https://github.com/thesofproject/sof-bin