The Nano Center Website runs off Laravel 5.6.
While it may be possible to run via a local XAMPP or MAMP setup, the two recommended local hosting solutions (Vagrant and Docker) are outlined at the bottom under the Server Setup section
If you already have a local server setup, you can continue with installation below:
composer install
cp .env.example .env
php artisan key:generate
php artisan storage:link
Make sure you have a database created to be used
Then fill out your database information in the newly generated .env file
then run the database migrations to create the needed tables for the application:
php artisan migrate
Once installed, setup the default roles and permissions via the command:
php artisan init:roles
You can add yourself as an administrative user with the command
php artisan make:admin
Finally, you can populate your database with fake data by using
php artisan db:seed
Webpack (Using Laravel Mix) is used for compiling CSS, JS, and Images:
CSS is generated via Sass, be careful not to directly edit /public/css/app.css as your work will likely be overwritten the next time the file is generated. Instead, edit /resources/sass/app.scss and use the npm script below to generate the updated public assets
Javascript is also compiled using NPM, be sure to edit javascript code in /resources/js/app.js, and not in the public directory
Images should also be added to /resources/img, and not the public directory as they will be copied during the NPM script
When your resource files have been updated, you can generate the public files by running the command:
npm run dev
You can learn more about Laravel Mix here -
Fonts are loaded by typekit, use a local development domain of thenanocenter.vm or localhost These domains are whitelisted.
The two recommended methods for hosting locally are Laravel Homestead or Docker
Laravel Homestead Setup Information
Install docker and docker compose
Add thenanocenter.vm to your hosts file
On osx sudo nano /etc/hosts
and sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder
Copy .env.example to .env
Edit the following lines to:
Run the commands:
to the project directory
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/app composer install
docker-compose up
That will take a while the first time it is run.
When docker-compose containers are up (you will see console logs from app_1, database_1 etc. )... In a new terminal window, run:
docker-compose exec app php artisan key:generate
An app key will be generated and saved in .env
docker-compose exec app php artisan storage:link
docker-compose exec app php artisan migrate
Now access the site at http://thenanocenter.vm or http://localhost
For database import / export use phpmyadmin at http://thenanocenter.vm:8080
To stop the docker containers, go to the docker-compose window, hit 'ctrl + c' or run docker-compose stop
To start the docker container, run docker-compose up
This includes a webpack watch task
The watch task outputs developer assets (un-minified)
Before committing your changes you may build the assets for production by running:
docker-compose exec frontend npm prod