LINQ to GameObject is GameObject extensions for Unity that allows traverse hierarchy and append GameObject like LINQ to XML. You can install from Unity Asset Store - LINQ to GameObject as FREE. Unity Forums support thread, ask me any questions -
LINQ to GameObject supports Unity 4 and 5 + uGUI's RectTransform
The concept of LINQ to GameObject is axis on tree.
Every traverse method returns IEnumerable<GameObject>
and deferred exectuion. For example
origin.Ancestors(); // Container, Root
origin.Children(); // Sphere_A, Sphere_B, Group, Sphere_A, Sphere_B
origin.Descendants(); // Sphere_A, Sphere_B, Group, P1, Group, Sphere_B, P2, Sphere_A, Sphere_B
origin.BeforeSelf(); // C1, C2
origin.AfterSelf(); // C3, C4
You can chain query(LINQ to Objects) and use some specified methods(Destroy, OfComponent and others).
// destroy all filtered(tag == "foobar") objects
root.Descendants().Where(x => x.tag == "foobar").Destroy();
// destroy all cloned objects
.Where(x =>"(Clone)"))
// get FooScript under self childer objects and self
var fooScripts = root.ChildrenAndSelf().OfComponent<FooScript>();
Import LINQ to GameObject from Unity Asset Store -
All methods are extension of GameObject, using Unity.Linq
then you can use all extension methods.
using Unity.Linq;
LINQ to GameObject have several operate methods, append child(Add
, AddFirst
, AddBeforeSelf
, AddAfterSelf
) and destroy object(Destroy
var root = GameObject.Find("root");
var cube = Resources.Load("Prefabs/PrefabCube") as GameObject;
// add do attach parent, set same layer and fix localPosition/Scale/Rotation.
// added child is cloned and returns child object.
var clone = root.Add(cube);
// choose sibling position and allow append multiple objects.
var clones = root.AddAfterSelf(new[] { cube, cube, cube });
// destroy do check null and deactive/detouch before destroy. It's more safety.
Add method's child is cloned. If you want to move only child, you can use(MoveToLast
, MoveToFirst
, MoveToBeforeSelf
, MoveToAfterSelf
) instead of Add.
Operate methods are extension methods of GameObject, too. You need using Unity.Linq
GameObjectBuilder construct tree use functional construction pattern.
var cube = Resources.Load("Prefabs/PrefabCube") as GameObject;
var tree =
new GameObjectBuilder(cube,
new GameObjectBuilder(cube),
new GameObjectBuilder(cube,
new GameObjectBuilder(cube)),
new GameObjectBuilder(cube));
var root = tree.Instantiate();
More info, see Functional Construction (LINQ to XML).
All traverse methods can find inactive object. If not found return type is GameObject
methods return null, return type is IEnumerable<GameObject>
methods return empty sequence. All collection methods have string name
overload that returns filtered collection that have a matching name are included in the collection.
Method | Description |
Parent | Gets the parent GameObject of this GameObject. If this GameObject has no parent, returns null. |
Child | Gets the first child GameObject with the specified name. If there is no GameObject with the speficided name, returns null. |
Children | Returns a collection of the child GameObjects. |
ChildrenAndSelf | Returns a collection of GameObjects that contain this GameObject, and the child GameObjects. |
Ancestors | Returns a collection of the ancestor GameObjects of this GameObject. |
AncestorsAndSelf | Returns a collection of GameObjects that contain this element, and the ancestors of this GameObject. |
Descendants | Returns a collection of the descendant GameObjects. |
DescendantsAndSelf | Returns a collection of GameObjects that contain this GameObject, and all descendant GameObjects of this GameObject. |
BeforeSelf | Returns a collection of the sibling GameObjects before this GameObject. |
BeforeSelfAndSelf | Returns a collection of GameObjects that contain this GameObject, and the sibling GameObjects before this GameObject. |
AfterSelf | Returns a collection of the sibling GameObjects after this GameObject. |
AfterSelfAndSelf | Returns a collection of GameObjects that contain this GameObject, and the sibling GameObjects after this GameObject. |
Operate methods have three optional parameter. cloneType
configure cloned child GameObject's localPosition/Scale/Rotation. setActive
configure activates/deactivates child GameObject. If null, doesn't set specified value. specifiedName
configure set name of child GameObject. If null, doesn't set specified value.
Method | Description |
Add | Adds the GameObject as children of this GameObject. Target is cloned. |
AddFirst | Adds the GameObject as the first children of this GameObject. Target is cloned. |
AddBeforeSelf | Adds the GameObject before this GameObject. Target is cloned. |
AddAfterSelf | Adds the GameObject after this GameObject. Target is cloned. |
Destroy | Destroy this GameObject safety(check null, deactive/detouch before destroy). |
There are TransformCloneType
that used Add methods.
If target is
always useSetParent(parent, false)
and ignoresTransformCloneType
Value | Description |
KeepOriginal | Set to same as Original. This is default of Add methods. |
FollowParent | Set to same as Parent. |
Origin | Set to Position = zero, Scale = one, Rotation = identity. |
DoNothing | Position/Scale/Rotation as is. |
MoveTo methods similar with Add but don't clone target.
Method | Description |
MoveToLast | Move the GameObject as children of this GameObject. |
MoveToFirst | Move the GameObject as the first children of this GameObject. |
MoveToBeforeSelf | Move the GameObject before this GameObject. |
MoveToAfterSelf | Move the GameObject after this GameObject. |
There are TransformMoveType
that used MoveTo methods.
If target is
always useSetParent(parent, false)
and ignoresTransformMoveType
Value | Description |
FollowParent | Set to same as Parent. |
Origin | Set to Position = zero, Scale = one, Rotation = identity. |
DoNothing | Position/Scale/Rotation as is. This is default of MoveTo methods. |
Extensions. If multiple GameObjects in the source collection have the same GameObject will be included multiple times in the result collection. To avoid this, use the Distinct
(LINQ to Objects) method.
Method | Description |
Ancestors | Returns a collection of GameObjects that contains the ancestors of every GameObject in the source collection. |
AncestorsAndSelf | Returns a collection of GameObjects that contains every GameObject in the source collection, and the ancestors of every GameObject in the source collection. |
Descendants | Returns a collection of GameObjects that contains the descendant GameObjects of every GameObject in the source collection. |
DescendantsAndSelf | Returns a collection of GameObjects that contains every GameObject in the source collection, and the descendent GameObjects of every GameObject in the source collection. |
Children | Returns a filtered collection of the child GameObjects of every GameObject in the source collection. Only GameObjects that have a matching name are included in the collection. |
ChildrenAndSelf | Returns a collection of GameObjects that contains every GameObject in the source collection, and the child GameObjects of every GameObject in the source collection. |
Destroy | Destroy every GameObject in the source collection safety(check null, deactive/detouch before destroy). |
OfComponent | Returns a collection of specified component in the source collection. |
Method | Description |
Instantiate | Instantiate tree objects. |
Yoshifumi Kawai(a.k.a. neuecc) is software developer in Japan.
He is Director/CTO at Grani, Inc.
Grani is top social game developer in Japan.
He awarded Microsoft MVP for Visual C# since 2011.
He is known by creator of linq.js(LINQ to Objects for JavaScript) and UniRx(Reactive Extensions for Unity)
Blog: (JPN)
Twitter: (JPN)
This library is under MIT License.