Ts-viz is an execution engine for streaming data, specializing in realtime convolutions. It provides both a headless streaming interface and visualizer GUI for rapid prototyping.
git clone [email protected]:thejoelw/ts-viz.git
cd ts-viz
tup init
tup variant configs/*
Note that if you get this error: Unable to write to a file outside of the tup hierarchy: /ts-viz
, you need to update your tup version to 0.8.
echo '[["emit", "y", ["square", ["cast_double", ["input", "x"]]]]]' > /tmp/program.json
seq 1000000 \
| jq --compact-output '{x: (. / 1000000)}' \
| ./build-release-headless/ts-viz --emit-format json /tmp/program.json -
# Prints 1000000 lines of {"y": ...}
Ts-viz combines a dataset stream of json records with a lisp-like program encoded in json, producing an output stream (of json records or binary data, depending on your use case).
The program is not meant to be written by hand; instead, a TypeScript "sdk" is provided. Here's an example of a program generator:
import { conv, d, emit, input, windowSmooth } from '../ts-viz/ts/base.ts';
import { r } from '../ts-viz/ts/config.ts';
import { stringify } from '../ts-viz/ts/stringify.ts';
const main = () => {
let res: Array<Node> = [];
const price = d(input('price'));
const smoothedPrice = conv(windowSmooth(r(1e6), r(2)), price);
res.push(emit('smoothedPrice', smoothedPrice));
return res;
Run with:
deno run /Users/joel/proj/trader-2/main.ts > /tmp/program.json
ts/base.ts is a good showcase of the available operations. stringify
is JSON.stringify
augmented with deduplication, using json references to keep the generated lisp small.
Ts-viz parses each program into a DAG of time series. Each time series performs some operation (multiplication, cumulative sum, convolution, etc...). Each time series has chunks of 65536 elements * 8bytes/double = 0.5mb; chunks are loaded lazily and may be garbage collected if memory is low (flag --gc-memory-limit
Ts-viz uses FFTW to perform fast convolutions. The first time you load a program using convolutions, wisdom will be generated automatically for powers of 2 under the kernel sizes you're using. This may take a while, but the wisdom will be cached for next time. You can modify this behavior using the --wisdom-dir
, --require-existing-wisdom
, and --dont-write-wisdom
In addition to realtime streaming of the dataset, the program can be streamed in realtime too. New programs will re-use the series and chunks from previous programs where it can, ensuring only a minimal amount of computation is performed. For example, we can consume a live stream of bitcoin price data and experiment with different convolutions on it:
websocat 'wss://data-stream.binance.com:9443/stream?streams=btcusdt@bookTicker' \
| jq --unbuffered --compact-output '{bid: .data.b | tonumber, ask: .data.a | tonumber}' \
| ./build-release/ts-viz <(deno run --watch --no-clear-screen test.ts) -
> ./build-release/ts-viz --help
Usage: ts-viz [options] program-path data-path
A time series visualizer and processor
Positional arguments:
program-path The path to the program file or stream [required]
data-path The path to the data file or stream [required]
Optional arguments:
-h --help shows help message and exits
-v --version prints version information and exits
--title The window title to show [default: "ts-viz"]
--log-level Minimum logging level to output [default: 2]
--wisdom-dir The directory to load and save wisdom to/from [default: "."]
--require-existing-wisdom Disable generating fftw's wisdom; exit if they don't exist in filesystem [default: false]
--dont-write-wisdom Disable writing fftw's wisdom files [default: false]
--conv-min-compute-log2 For calculating convolutions, advance in (2 ^ value) element increments [default: 0]
--gc-memory-limit Enable garbage collector above this value [default: 18446744073709551615]
--print-memory-usage-output-index Prints the memory usage required to compute and output the nth record [default: 18446744073709551615]
--debug-series-to-file Outputs per-chunk debugging information to a file [default: ""]
--emit-format Sets the format of emitted records: none, json, floats, or doubles [default: 0]
--meter-indices Output meter records at these indices [default: <not representable>]
--max-fps Cap frames per second at this value, or zero to disable [default: 0]
--dont-exit Don't exit, even if the program pipe and data pipes end [default: false]