Skeleton of a Python Flask project, combining flask, riak, and html5boilerplate/twitter bootstrap.
The intention is to create a skeleton for my own projects where I will be using riak, flask, and html5 as the standard framework. Aim is to get to a good enough code base such that I could kick start any project development and deployment very quickly.
NOTE: This is not production ready, and is rather rough.
- flask
- initializr - html5boilerplate + twitter bootstrap. See initializr
- riak-python-client - official client
- schematics - using schematics for data models. It supports json schema as well.
- flask-login
- python-geohash - to support geospatial search in riak
Not coming soon (as I have not yet decide what to use yet) but worth considering depending on individual projects
- flask-security - to support API token key type authentication/authorisation
- authentication - such as oauth 2.0 and openid
- schematics - to model data into json
- wtf forms - so simple (and great)
- (auto) deployment scripts - for nginx (maybe fast cgi), VPS (linode)
The source is rather rough and with very little comments. However it should be self explanatory enough to get started.
- set environment variable FLASK_ENV to either DEV, TEST or PROD
- run python runserver.py
Download protobuf from http://code.google.com/p/protobuf/ tar -xvzf protobuf-2.4.1.tar.gz ./configure make sudo make install