Template for SolidJS library package. Bundling of the library is managed by tsup.
Other things configured include:
- Bun (for dependency management and running scripts)
- TypeScript
- ESLint / Prettier
- Solid Testing Library + Vitest (for testing)
- Playground app using library
- GitHub Actions (for all CI/CD)
Some pre-requisites before install dependencies:
- Install Node Version Manager (NVM)
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.7/install.sh | bash
- Install Bun
curl -fsSL https://bun.sh/install | bash
nvm use
bun install
bun start
bun run lint # checks source for lint violations
bun run format # checks source for format violations
bun run lint:fix # fixes lint violations
bun run format:fix # fixes format violations
The only requirements when contributing are:
- You keep a clean git history in your branch
- rebasing
instead of making merge commits.
- rebasing
- Using proper commit message formats that adhere to conventional commits
- Additionally, squashing (via rebase) commits that are not conventional commits
- CI checks pass before merging into