This repository contains the source code for a simple To-Do List web application. The app allows users to add tasks, mark them as completed, and delete them.
Add Task: Users can add tasks by typing in the input box and pressing "Enter" or clicking the "Add" button.
Check/Uncheck Task: Users can mark tasks as completed by clicking on them. Clicking again will unmark them.
Delete Task: Users can delete tasks by clicking the "x" button next to each task.
Local Storage: Tasks are saved locally using the browser's local storage, allowing users to persist their tasks even after refreshing the page.
The app is deployed using GitHub Pages and can be accessed at
Clone this repository to your local machine.
Open index.html in your web browser to use the app locally.
Add tasks using the input box at the top of the page.
Click on a task to mark it as completed, or click again to unmark it.
Click the "x" button next to a task to delete it.
Your tasks will be saved automatically using the browser's local storage.
Feel free to modify this README to include any additional information or customization specific to your To-Do List App.
email:[email protected]