Release 2.0.8
Released packages:
- tvb-library
- tvb-rest-client
- tvb-framework
- tvb-contrib
! This is the first release (non-alpha) on Pypi for tvb-framework compatible with Py3 and with our neotraits internal mechanism in.
It is almost the same web GUI functionality, changes have appeared in the Simulator launch part and behind the scenes in the way we launch an operation and we serialize configurations or results.
A TVB REST server is also launched at the same time as tvb-web server launched in tvb-framework.
- Introduce/review enums in tvb-library and tvb-contrib for Sensors and Projection types
- Fix bug in SpatialAverageMonitor (both for tvb-library and framework)
- Improve MatrixViewers in web gui
- Improve Simulation - Copy use-case in web gui