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Second Morning Exercise

Sam Slate edited this page Aug 16, 2016 · 2 revisions

###What you want to achieve

Malawi’s extractive industries data is accessible and easily understandable to inform citizens who drive change for responsible natural resource governance.

###2-3 Users for the MVP (minimum viable product)

  • Civil society (primary: national civil society) will search for information on companies to inform advocacy in the demand for greater government and corporate accountability

    • What social and environmental commitments have companies made? (EIA report, contracts)
    • What rights does one company have across Malawi?
    • Which area/land is actually under a licence to be able to understand which communities are directly impacted?
    • What is the status of a licence?
    • Who controls the company? (directors (public domain data); corporate structure (using OpenCorporates); beneficial owners (requires investigation))
  • Media will search for information on companies related to specific projects to write informed stories

    • What has already been written about the company by civil society and other journalists? (NGO reports on specific companies and mines) How has the company responded?
    • Where is the company registered and where is it operating in order to follow up on stories.