Sampling_dataset.py: Sampling and preprocessing dataset
Parameter_tunning_GBDT.py: Hyperparameter tunning on Gradient Boost Trees based model
Parameter_tunning_DNN.py: Hyperparameter tunning on Deep Neural Network based model
Train_GBDT.py: Training, validation and testing on Gradient Boost Trees based model
Train_DNN.py: Training, validation and testing on Deep Neural Network based model
Train_GBDT_perday.py: Training, validation and testing on Gradient Boost Trees based models for each day of the week
Train_DNN_perday.py: Training, validation and testing on Deep Neural Network based models for each day of the week
Visualise_Data.py: Daraw several visualisations used in the presentation
Data: obtained from kaggle
Required Python libraries: Numpy, Pandas, Sklearn, Tensorflow, Keras, Lightgbm, Matplotlib