UNM CS 542/442 Class Project - Fall 2023
Repository developed by Chai Capili, Thomas Fisher, Praneeth Marri, and Sara Romero.
See the materials below to learn more about our project:
- Project Proposal: High level description of what this project hopes to accomplish.
- Presentation: Slides covering results achieved just prior to project completion.
- Report: Technical summary of project methods and results.
Learn more about the structure of the repository below:
- The documents folder contains the project deliverables listed above.
- The mat_mat_multiplication folder contains serial and parallelized sparse matrix matrix multiplication algorithms.
- The matrix_communication folder holds timings tests for sending matrices between MPI processes.
- The matrix_files folder holds the matrix files used in the sparse matrix analyses.
- The storage_analysis folder is where sparse matrix storage-related analysis algorithm and plots are located.
- The transpose folder contains a parallelized sparse matrix tranpose algorithm.
- The utils folder houses utilities used by the folders above such as sparse matrix format structures and a matrix file reader.
Our team would like to give special thanks to our instructor Amanda Bienz and the University of New Mexico's Center for Advanced Research Computing for being instrumental in this project.