Implements a wrapper for Redis datatypes so they mimic the datatypes found in Python.
Requires Redis 2.0+ and newest version of redis-py.
For best performance the wrappers are lazy and use direct Redis calls, for example:
len(get_list("bears")) # will call redis_client.llen("bears")
'grizzly' in get_hash('bears') # will call redis_client.hexists('bears', 'grizzly')
redis-py can be downloaded from here:
You can also quick install it from PyPi:
- $ sudo easy_install redis_wrap
Example of list wrapper:
bears = get_list('bears')
assert len(bears) == 1
assert 'grizzly' in bears
Example of hash wrapper:
villains = get_hash('villains')
assert 'riddler' not in villains
villains['riddler'] = 'Edward Nigma'
assert 'riddler' in villains
assert len(villains.keys()) == 1
del villains['riddler']
assert len(villains) == 0
Example of set wrapper:
fishes = get_set('fishes')
assert 'nemo' not in fishes
assert 'nemo' in fishes
for item in fishes:
assert item == 'nemo'