Head over to https://tewarid.github.io to view posts.
Some useful tips to work with this blog
Use VS Code, and its myriad plugins, to edit and preview posts
Run site locally in a Docker container at http://localhost:4000
This works well but I've run into a situation where the Docker container uses excessive CPU time on macOS while idling.
Don´t use UTF-8 characters in file names of posts
Bash script to rename all posts in a folder using title specified in Front Matter -
Liquid makes Markdown less portable, I suggest using only the link filter
[link to another post]({% link _posts/2018/2018-03-23-status-of-popular-markup-language-standards.md %})
mermaid.js diagrams can be inserted as follows
```mermaid classDiagram Primate <|-- Gorilla : is a Primate : int id Primate : brainSize() ```
LaTeX can be inserted inline
or as a block$$ \LaTeX $$
Preview in Code using the following setting for Markdown+Math plugin
"mdmath.delimiters": "kramdown",
A custom slate theme is configured in _config.yml and is sourced from https://github.com/tewarid/slate.