Name | Type | Description | Notes |
name | kotlin.String | Name of the webhook | |
eventType | WebHookEventTypeModel | Type of event which triggers the webhook | |
url | kotlin.String | Url to which the webhook sends request | |
requestType | RequestTypeModel | Method which the webhook uses | |
shouldSendBody | kotlin.Boolean | Indicates if the webhook sends body | |
isEnabled | kotlin.Boolean | Indicates if the webhook is active | |
shouldSendCustomBody | kotlin.Boolean | Indicates if the webhook sends custom body | |
shouldReplaceParameters | kotlin.Boolean | Indicates if the webhook injects parameters | |
shouldEscapeParameters | kotlin.Boolean | Indicates if the webhook escapes invalid characters in parameters | |
createdDate | java.time.OffsetDateTime | Creation date of the webhook | |
createdById | java.util.UUID | Unique ID of user who created the webhook | |
projectId | java.util.UUID | Unique ID of project where the webhook is located | |
id | java.util.UUID | Unique ID of the entity | |
isDeleted | kotlin.Boolean | Indicates if the entity is deleted | |
description | kotlin.String | Description of the webhook | [optional] |
headers | kotlin.collections.Map<kotlin.String, kotlin.String> | Collection of headers which the webhook sends | [optional] |
queryParameters | kotlin.collections.Map<kotlin.String, kotlin.String> | Collection of query parameters which the webhook sends | [optional] |
customBody | kotlin.String | Custom body of the webhook | [optional] |
customBodyMediaType | kotlin.String | MIME type of body of the webhook | [optional] |
modifiedDate | java.time.OffsetDateTime | Last modification date of the webhook | [optional] |
modifiedById | java.util.UUID | Unique ID of user who modified the webhook last time | [optional] |