Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | java.util.UUID | Unique ID of the project | |
name | kotlin.String | Name of the project | |
isFavorite | kotlin.Boolean | Indicates if the project is marked as favorite | |
isDeleted | kotlin.Boolean | Indicates if the project is deleted | |
createdDate | java.time.OffsetDateTime | Creation date of the project | |
createdById | java.util.UUID | Unique ID of the project creator | |
globalId | kotlin.Long | Global ID of the project | |
type | ProjectTypeModel | Type of the project | |
isFlakyAuto | kotlin.Boolean | Indicates if the status "Flaky/Stable" sets automatically | |
description | kotlin.String | Description of the project | [optional] |
attributesScheme | kotlin.collections.List<CustomAttributeModel> | Collection of the project attributes | [optional] |
testPlansAttributesScheme | kotlin.collections.List<CustomAttributeModel> | Collection of the project test plans attributes | [optional] |
testCasesCount | kotlin.Int | Number of test cases in the project | [optional] |
sharedStepsCount | kotlin.Int | Number of shared steps in the project | [optional] |
checkListsCount | kotlin.Int | Number of checklists in the project | [optional] |
autoTestsCount | kotlin.Int | Number of autotests in the project | [optional] |
modifiedDate | java.time.OffsetDateTime | Last modification date of the project | [optional] |
modifiedById | java.util.UUID | Unique ID of the project last editor | [optional] |