Base of service which will help you to check the state of your house and make complaints for locals.
- Gateway. It will redirect all requests to exact microservies.
- Topics Service. This service is a base for administration database wia API. It can add, change, delete and return a list of topics. This list of topics needed for checking your house.
- Complaints service. This service is a key service. It can receive a base information about the complaint(date, address, user who created and municipal deputy who is assigned to help for this complaint. Also this service realizes geocoding which is needed for making a map of complaints later on the frontend. Geocoding is provided by Google Maps Api.
- All services have support for logging and sending errors to Sentry.
- MySQL database is hosted on third party server.
- Service need a google api key to make geocoding
- appsettings with connection strings and api keys are removed because of privacy reasons.
Created for LPO course in NUST "MISIS" at spring semester 2021.