author : Teo Lavisse
date : 27/09/2024
These files are created for teaching purposes
The notebook Python and notebook basics deals with the basics of Python and how to use Jupyter notebook
BW2 tutorial TL is a tutorial to introduce the main features of Brightway2, a LCA software designed by Chris Mutel. The excel file and the images are used during the notebook for teaching purposes.
All the following libraries are gien in the environment_BW_LCA_algeb.yml
file to run this notebook:
- brightway2==2.3
- bw2analyzer==0.10
- bw2calc==1.8.2
- bw2data==3.6.6
- bw2io==0.8.12
- lca_algebraic = 1.0.5 (version 1.1 remove the exploreImpacts function)
- pandas>=2.2.2
- numpy==1.26.4
- seaborn>=0.13.0
and a valid license of ecoinvent 3.9.1 database.
To install all required libraries, please refer to the official procedure describe in the Github of Brightway. This
Or you can use the prepared installation file Install_BW.bat
that uses Miniforge3, and follow the instructions in the opening window.
- Create a working directory on your computer (/Documents/tuto_bw/ for instance)
- Either clone the repository or simply copy/Paste tutoBW_beginner_TL.ipynb in your working directory
- Open a miniforge or anaconda prompt
- Run conda activate bw_lca (replace bw_lca with the environment name where brightway is installed)
- Open a Jupyter interface: run jupyter lab
- A web (localhost) window open with Jupyter interface
- Dig into your folder to reach your working directory
- Open up the Notebook tutoBW_beginner_TL.ipynb and tutoBW_advanced_TL.ipynb
- Best practice: when over, go in File/Shut down to properly turn off the server. (or you can also Ctrl + C in the console to force it to stop)*
This work © 2024 by Téo Lavisse is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0.