Control flow is either by you or using boost.asio.
The MDBQ client is compatible with James Bergstra's hyperopt:
There is an example demonstrating this feature here:
// in your server program instance:
Hub hub("localhost", "test.col");
hub.insert_job(BSON("foo"<<1<<"bar"<<2), 1000); // timeout in 1000 seconds
// in your workers
Client clt("localhost", "test.col");
mongo::BSONObj task;
clt.log(0, BSON("progress"<<"10%"));
clt.log(0, BSON("progress"<<"50%"));
clt.checkpoint(); // flush log to server, mark that we're still working
clt.log(0, BSON("progress"<<"80%"));
// on hub:
boost::asio::io_service io;
Hub hub("localhost", "test.col");
// register polling of task generators
// they should be called once/periodically
// and call insert_job(...)
// You can also leave this to a 3rd party.
hub.reg(io, 1); // poll database every second;
// on client:
struct my_client : pubic mdbq::Client{
my_client(string url, string prefix, const BSONObj& query)
: mdbq::Client(url,prefix,query);
void handle_task(const BSONObj& o){
try{ /* do the task, call finish(...) */ }
catch(mdbq::timeout_exception){/* do nothing */}
// a client that only works on tasks with foo==1
my_client clt("localhost", "test_mdbq", BSON("foo"<<1));
clt.reg(io, 1); // poll every second;
Clients are not killed when timeouts occur, they will get a `timeout_exception' thrown WHEN THEY CALL "checkpoint()". So you have to ensure that potentially long-running functions call checkpoint() from time to time and catch this in your task handler!
Poll frequency should not be too high, since we use a remote queue. If you need tight loops, consider using ZMQ or the like.