To get Python 3 on Cirrus, run:
$ module load anaconda/python3
The Anaconda Python distribution includes numpy and many other useful Python packages.
To see help:
$ python3 -m predator_prey.simulate_predator_prey -h
To run the simulation:
$ python -m predator_prey.simulate_predator_prey \
[-dt DELTA_T] [-t TIME_STEP] [-d DURATION] \
[-fs FOX_SEED]
(where \
denotes a line continuation character)
For example, to run using map.dat with default values for the other parameters:
$ python -m predator_prey.simulate_predator_prey -f map.dat
Flag | Parameter | Description | Default Value |
-h | --help | Show help message and exit | - |
-r | --birth-mice | Birth rate of mice | 0.08 |
-a | --death-mice | Rate at which foxes eat mice | 0.04 |
-k | --diffusion-mice | Diffusion rate of mice | 0.2 |
-b | --birth-foxes | Birth rate of foxes | 0.02 |
-m | --death-foxes | Rate at which foxes starve | 0.06 |
-l | --diffusion-foxes | Diffusion rate of foxes | 0.2 |
-dt | --delta-t | Time step size (seconds) | 0.4 |
-t | --time_step | Number of time steps at which to output files | 10 |
-d | --duration | Time to run the simulation (seconds) | 500 |
-f | --landscape-file | Input landscape file | - |
-ms | --mouse-seed | Random seed for initialising mouse densities. If 0 then the density in each square will be 0, else each square's density will be set to a random value between 0.0 and 5.0 | 1 |
-fs | --fox-seed | Random seed for initialising fox densities. If 0 then the density in each square will be 0, else each square's density will be set to a random value between 0.0 and 5.0 | 1 |
Map files are expected to be plain-text files of form:
- One line giving Nx, the number of columns, and Ny, the number of rows
- Ny lines, each consisting of a sequence of Nx space-separated ones and zeros (land=1, water=0).
For example:
7 7
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 0 1 1
1 1 1 1 0 0 1
1 1 1 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0
"Plain PPM" image files are output every TIME_STEP
timesteps. These files are named map_<NNNN>.ppm
and are a visualisation of the density of mice and foxes and water-only squares.
These files do not include the halo as the use of a halo is an implementation detail.
These files are plain-text so you can view them as you would any plain-text file e.g.:
$ cat map<NNNN>.ppm
PPM files can be viewed graphically using ImageMagick commands as follows.
Cirrus users will need first need to run:
$ module load ImageMagick
To view a PPM file, run:
$ display map<NNNN>.ppm
To animate a series of PPM files:
$ animate map*.ppm
For more information on the PPM file format, run man ppm
or see ppm.
A plain-text comma-separated values file, averages.csv
, has the average density of mice and foxes (across the land-only squares) calculated every TIME_STEP
timesteps. The file has four columns and a header row:
: timestep from 0 ..DURATION
: time in seconds from 0 ..DURATION
: average density of mice.Foxes
: average density of foxes.
This file is plain-text so you can view it as you would any plain-text file e.g.:
$ cat averages.csv
There are several automated tests for each module in the directory.
To run the unit tests for the Animal module
$ python3 -m tests.unit_tests.test_animal_model
To run the unit tests for the Helpers module
$ python3 -m tests.unit_tests.test_helpers
To run the unit tests for the Landscape module
$ python3 -m tests.unit_tests.test_landscape
To run the unit tests for the Simulation module
$ python3 -m tests.unit_tests.test_simulation
To run the Integration tests
$ python3 -m tests.integration_tests.test_integration