v0.12.2: Stability and Efficiency Release
This backwards compatible release contains a number of feature and stability improvements, particularly for users of HHVM, Memcache on AWS, or the Redis drivers.
- Added an alternative format than native PHP for the Filesystem Driver using the "encoder" option.
- Improved performance of Filesystem clear operations.
- Better commenting on files generated by Filesystem driver.
- Added work around for HHVM APCIterator bug.
- Improved Redis error handling in the event of a lost or disconnected server.
- Improved Redis and Memcached persistent connection support.
- Added support for AWS autodiscovery functionality in Memcached.
- Refactored PDO and SQLite "isAvailable" functions to prevent notices when the PDO extension is not present.
- Docblock and commenting improvements.
- Updated dependency versions (only affects development code).