Build a theme from Bulma with npm and Sass
The goal is to generate a custom Bulma CSS file that fits your needs, and you can use for any website.
To achieve that, you will need Node.js and npm (if you have not them please check how to install them ).
This project uses instead of the deprecated .
Clone or download this project, then open a terminal or console, and navigate to the bulma-npm-theme folder :
$ npm install
This will install all the project's dependencies.
There is only one npm command to know to run the project :
$ npm run start
This will build the Bulma theme CSS file, then watch for updates and open the browser. You should see a sample page with some default Bulma layouts and components :
Now you want to do your theme, so edit the file sass/bulma-theme.scss and uncomment the example (taken from the official documentation). Reload the browser page, the modifications should be there :
You can update Bulma variables (check the list ), update or add your own classes.
The theme is in the file css/bulma-theme.css, you can copy this file and use it in your web site / web app.